Diana McLean
I am a nearly lifelong Unitarian Universalist (UU), a published freelance writer and poet, and a queer, fully-fellowshipped and ordained UU minister married to another queer UU minister. I have always understood my writing as a way to be Love’s voice in the world.
I grew up in a military family with roots in North Dakota, Wisconsin, and Minnesota, and have lived in three countries and twelve states so far. My passions include reading, writing, jigsaw puzzles, photography and scrapbooking, and travel. My favorite job title of all time is Mom to my son Aidan, who is now 19.

Dear Diana, what a wonderful service this morning! It felt deeply spiritual and meaningful, made more so by the way you wove personal story with the principles and our purpose as UUs. Thank you for creating such a sacred space for us today.
~ Nancy A
My passions for spirituality, social justice, and writing have been constant themes in my life. When I chose a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing program, I chose one known for its focus on activism. When I was called to ministry, I was certain that it would be a community ministry related to writing. My choice of seminary was again influenced by a commitment to social justice. Although I ended up discerning a call to the parish context, that original desire to combine ministry and writing has never left me.
I have broad experience with professional writing in numerous contexts. My publication credits include poems, feature articles for magazines and newspapers, and a ten-year newsletter column on parenting. In 2007, I founded Poetic Justice, a website featuring writing on justice topics, and continue that online presence through my blog at https://poeticjustice.typepad.com.
I have taught creative writing classes for children and adults in a wide variety of settings, including “Writing as a Spiritual Practice” in congregations.
In 2019, I was honored to be selected by the Unitarian Universalist Retired Ministers and Partners Association to compile and edit a book of UU LGBTQ+ history. A bucket list item came true for me when that book proposal was accepted by Skinner House, and I am currently working on that project with them.

Weddings & Rites of Passage
Creative Jump-Start Consulting