Discernment Circles
Facilitated by Rev. Shay MacKay
Sometimes in life we are able to discern our way forward with little effort; at other times, what our hearts want, what our souls need, can seem tangled up in "shoulds" or drowned out by the voices of others in our lives.
When it feels as though you can't see the tree for the forest, when you can't hear the song through the noise, it can help to have trusted companions gather around to help you focus.
Based on the Quaker tradition of clearness committees, and Parker Palmer's adaptation of those practices, I can create a safe and structured space for you to ask the hard questions, and listen for the inner wisdom that dwells within you. Through practices of active listening and open, honest questions, I will facilitate a circle of of companions in accompanying you on your journey.
There’s a moon inside every human being.
Learn to be companions with it.
Give more of your life to this listening.
~ Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi
The Framework of a Circle
You choose 4-5 people for your circle (including me - I can assist in finding people if needed)
You write a brief statement of the issue or question you are struggling with. I will send that to your circle members ahead of time, along with documents detailing the process.
The circle gathers, over Zoom or in person, to spend 3 hours in discernment with you
I will follow-up with you for a 1 hour integration and debrief conversation