Deep Calls to Deep
The Sacred Art of Deep Listening
with Rev. Shay MacKay
The word 'listen' contains the same letters as the word 'silent'.
~ Alfred Brendel

The quality of our listening can make a profound difference in our lives. Deep listening as a spiritual practice is a way of being in the world that is sensitive to all facets of our experience – external, internal, and contextual. Listening in this way is a choice we make and a practice we can cultivate, attuning ourselves to the deeper rhythms of our lives and our world.
Deep Listening is:
A Choice – it is active, not passive
An Art – not something we do, but something we “be”
A Gift – opens us to something beyond ourselves that is holy and sacred
In this retreat, we begin with the practice of deep listening internally by cultivating silence within ourselves. Next, we learn to become present so that we can share deeper listening within our relationships with others. And finally, we take what we have learned and grow our ability to deepen our listening experience of the world around us, allowing us the opportunity to slow down and reflect on all that happens in our daily lives, and to become more aware of all that we are often too busy to notice.
Through activities such as journaling, Lectio Divina, mindful nature walks, role-playing - with music, poetry, and art - we will practice deepening our ability to hear what is moving under the surface of our lives, and in doing so cultivate intimate connection with ourselves and the world around us.
Created and led by Rev. Shay MacKay, this is an in-person retreat experience that can be customized for any location and organizational needs.